Friday, July 11, 2008

Food Crisis?!?

It is actually a delicacy from Gumaca, Quezon. It's like dilis but it more tasty. But it is really tuyo not dilis...

This is nilupak na saging na saba, not cassava or rice. This is my first time to eat this. It's like nilubi or boiled then mashed or pounded while they mix sugar and made into suman or wrapped with banana leaves. Mahal na kasi bigas!

I miss Quezon's tikoy, pinagong and espasol! I also miss Nanay's bilo-bilo/tambong-tambong since that's what she always cook when there's an occasion in Pangasinan. Daddy misses sumang malagkit or steamed glutinous rice in coconut milk, wrapped in coconut leaves then dipped in sugar, coco jam or eaten with ripe mango.


Unknown said...

nilupak.. sarap! :)

Jena Isle said...

Ang sarap ng tuyo...pahingi...I could be satisfied with sinangag and tuyo...nothing beats the combination. Your blog is cool.

Keep posting.